Why? Because when you don't, you set your whole day up poorly. Firstly, you haven't put anything in your body in nearly 12 hours-- your metabolism has slowed and you need to stoke that furnace if you are going to be a lean, mean, calorie-burning machine today. Without carbohydrate, you won't have energy and your mental capacity is lower (mine's bad enough before my second cup of coffee), plus your body will turn to burning lean tissue (a.k.a. muscle) for fuel... without protein, your body can't rebuild and repair itself... plus carbohydrate alone won't last you very long. Your body can plow through some straight carbohydrate (a.k.a. Cheerios or many other popular cereals) in less than 2 hours, leaving you feeling sluggish and reaching for your next carb fix. The solution? Start your day with a balance of nutrients, mainly carbohydrate, protein and some fiber to slow down digestion and make those carbs a little more complex (so they last longer).
So, there are a few products out there that I recommend to just about everyone. Let's start with breakfast-- this cereal is top-notch. 9 grams of protein (before you even add milk!), 8 grams of fiber plus essential fatty acids. The plain ol' GoLean (minus the crunch) has only 140 calories per serving and a whopping 10 grams of fiber plus 13 grams of protein.
Put the Cheerios away, people.
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